Micro Motor Handpiece SH37L (M45) by SAEYANG / Marathon, for pedicure; 40K RPM, Korea
Micro Motor Handpiece SH37L (M45) by SAEYANG / Marathon, for pedicure; 40K RPM, Korea
Legendary and heavy duty original Marathon handpiece! Blue body, SH37L (M45) .
Full metal cast with plastic body for comfortable grip.
Made in Korea (imported).
Great comfort (shake free, solid operation) paired with superpower of rotation (torque), and with medium weight!
A powerful micro motor handpiece, rated at 40K RPMs. Other characteristics:
- 3-prong connector, fits most common nail drills.
- Smooth, quiet, and shake -free.
- Comes with a wrench to disassemble and clean the body.
- Length: 154mm X 30 mm, Weight: 202 grams, 30V
- Max Torque : 4.5 Nsm (this is a key measure of power of rotation). This unit is suitable for manicures AND pedicures, most powerful unit with carbon brushes. (we do NOT recommend handpieces for pedicure with the Torque less than 3.0 Nsm)
ATTENTION: Global Manufacturer's (SAEYANG) Warranty is 1 year from the date of sale. However, all warranty work and inspection is done in South Korea (outside of US), AND all shipping costs to and from Korea must be covered by the customer. If purchased from our store, we offer a LIMITED 30 DAY WARRANTY from the date of delivery. We will review each case individually as many factors play in performance of the nail drill. Our store does not offer Free Shipping for any of our services, including all warranty or service work.
We can also fully refund your purchase (minus Shipping & Handling) but only for unused (no skin/nail/biological exposure) product via a email claim submitted within 10 (ten) days After Ship Date.